Introduction to Assertiveness
In this Assertiveness video series we will show you how to become a more effective communicator by improving your assertiveness skills. As well as improving assertiveness skills, in thisrange of Youtube training videos you will also learn a host of assertive skills from simple sentences to advanced communication strategies.
Assertiveness Seminars
These video explore the different behaviours between Aggressive, Passive and Assertive people and the quickest and easiest mechanisms to becoming assertive. They will teach you how to become more assertive by allowing you to analyse and recognise aggressive or passive tendencies. They will also teach practical skills, techniques and strategies that will help you to recognise assertive, aggressive and passive behaviours. Learn tips for assertive delivery; handling conflict situations and increase your self confidence.
Assertiveness Scenarios
This series of Assertiveness Scenarios will show you how to become a more effective communicator by improving your assertiveness skills. As well as improving assertiveness skills, in our range of Youtube training videos you will also learn a host of assertive skills from simple sentences to advanced communication strategies. This video will cover the practical skills needed for successful negotiation using assertiveness and give you a starting point on how to become a more confident and competent communicator. In this series of assertiveness scenarios you will see how the PA developed more assertiveness by making simple changes to her dialogue and how she approached the manager.