- The Service Culture Handbook by Jeff Toister
A great theoretical overview of customer service and psychology, which is then backed up by tons of examples from real people and companies, topped off with tips on how to apply them your own situation.
- How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie
The book on dealing with other people in work and life. Carnegie’s insights on what drives people—and how to use that to make them happy and get what you want—are just as relevant now as they were when he published them in 1937.
- Nudge by Richard Thaler and Cass Sunstein
If you want to learn how to influence your customers’ choices and help them get more value out of your product, read this — it goes deep into the psychology of how subtle behavioral “nudges” can completely change the choices people make.
- Win The Customer by Flavio Martins
Flavio is a Huffington Post top 100 customer service professional, who contributes to the blog himself as well as has regular guest posts. The primary theme of the blog is optimizing the customer experience, with a tad bit of business strategy thrown in.
- Capterra Customer Service Software Blog by Cathy Reisenwitz
Good software makes customer service easier — we would know. From help desk platforms to live chat, Cathy’s blog keeps you up-to-date on tips and news for customer service technology.
- Simon Ouderkirk
Simon works in customer success for Automattic, and on his spare time is also an excellent and compelling writer. He doesn’t publish very often, but when he does, they’re kick-ass posts on everything that he’s interested in — from customer support to technology to business.
- The Human Duct Tape Show
Jeanne Bliss guides companies to earn customer-driven growth, and on her podcast, discusses realistic ideas and practices with customer experience leaders around the world.
- Breaking The Ice by Jeremy Watkin and Jenny Dempsey
A refreshingly hilarious customer service podcast by two people with decades of customer service experience between them.
- Call Center IQ
The world’s largest online community for customer service professionals was born from a union between Call Center Week and Customer Management IQ.
Members get access to networking with over 100,000 professionals and a copy of a quarterly executive research report. They also receive access to presentations, product demos, podcasts, and top-notch vendors.
- Support Driven
Support Driven is an invaluable online community for customer support professionals. It functions as a space to vent, make friends, find job opportunities, and learn exciting new skills from fellow peers.
The website features a blog, newsletter, and other resources, and reps can register to join the Slack community. Support Driven also hosts a large-scale meet-up and learning event called SDX where people can hear from industry leaders, help solve problems, and learn new career skills.