1. Gina Abudi’s Blog

Gina Abudi uses her experience with both small businesses and large organizations to write about projects, leadership, people, team building, professional development, and processes.

2.       Project Management for the Masses

Cesar wants to make project management accessible to everyone. That’s why you’ll find over 100 podcasts with industry experts and other guest posts that will help new project managers develop themselves professionally.

  1. Developing Project Leaders

Susanne Madsen’s main focus with her blog is on project leadership and traditional project management. She tackles short and long-length posts derived from her own PM work experience. She also provides insights on how you can handle problems related to limiting beliefs, build self-esteem, and overcome stress in a project environment.

4.       Project Bliss

Starting from her experience in IT project management, Leigh Espy helps others discover the secrets of PM and leadership through lists, how-to articles, free templates, tips, and guides to help you grow your career whether you’re already a project manager or planning to make the move to this area.

5.       Drunken PM

David Prior’s blog is rich in audio and video interviews with project managers and other subject matter experts. These podcasts focus on how Scrum, Agile, and Kanban can innovate project management as it shifts from its long gone traditional methods.

6.       The Celoxis Blog

The Celoxis blog is another source for project management processes and portfolios. It helps teams handle their resources and time and improve their productivity level.

  1. Project Progress Meeting

Progress meetings are normally event focused. The purpose is to take a broad view of planned and actual progress over the event’s activities and allow the staff responsible for those activities to interact and work together.


  1. Green Project Management Blog

How can we manage our projects in an environmentally friendly and sustainable way? The Green Project Management Blog tackles this issue with aplomb. Posts aren’t just informative, they’re also full of practical advice. With the business world pivoting to sustainable technology, this lens is a very important one to develop for any project manager.

  1. A Girl’s Guide to Project Management

Created and run by Elizabeth Harrin, an expert in project management, this blog gives a woman project manager’s perspective. She decided to begin her blog journey after the realization that there were not enough women to write about project management.

Harrin attempts to help people, especially women to deliver projects confidently. She provides news updates, opinions from her own insights and experiences as well as covers project management events.

  1. Brad Egeland

Brad Egeland is a successful project management author, having written over 4,000 expert business strategy articles. A genuine thought leader, he was named a Top 10 Project Management Influencer in 2016. Many of his blog posts offer 60 second video snippets with valuable project management tips. He specialises in a broad range of topics, including delegation skills, improving customer experiences, and project management methodologies.