Our Leadership and Teambuilding training courses are designed to improve leadership skills and allow our delegates to be able to lead successful and high performing teams. Our team building workshops are packed full of useful teamwork training exercises, tips and techniques that new and experienced managers will find essential in showing how to lead effectively and will put them on the steady route of becoming successful managers and team leaders. Delegates who have taken our Leadership and Teambuilding courses have now gone on to lead highly productive teams and improving productivity by becoming better managers, motivators, delegators and leaders.
Leadership and team building is a training course that is both challenging and practical. We aim to teach the fundamental ‘people management skills‘ in a positive and constructive environment. It has been designed to enable delegates to understand the basic fundamentals of strategy and motivation in team building. You will benefit by learning tips and techniques that will increase your competence and confidence when managing, influencing and leading teams and individuals.
In addition to our training courses we have also produced a series of podcasts which allow you to discover first hand how effective our training is. These podcasts are short snippets taken from actual training courses where our trainers discuss topics, tips, techniques and strategies with our course delegates and give you the listener, a real insight into the world of leadership.
Our Leadership and Teambuilding seminars are designed to improve leadership skills and allow our delegates to be able to lead successful and high performing teams. Our team building workshops are packed full of useful teamwork training exercises, tips and techniques that new and experienced managers will find essential in showing how to lead effectively and will put them on the steady route of becoming successful managers and team.leaders.
PODCAST 1 – Concepts of effective leadership`
In this podcast, Warren is discussing the concepts of effective leadership
- being an assertive leader
- managing conflict
- the benefits of keeping your team occupied
- helping your team work towards deadlines
- controlling situations
- setting objectives, challenges and recognising your teams efforts
There are many ways in which a leader can be assertive. Asking for what we need, giving reasons for what we want, stating consequences of actions, negotiating gently giving options or alternatives and increasing consequences are some of the most effective ways and it is important that we use an escalation or a combination of these techniques to become more effective.
PODCAST 2 – High Performance Management Superstars
In this live podcast, Total Success’s Senior Trainer, Warren Wint talks about the competencies needed to become a high performance management superstar.
Topics covered include:
- ·The phases of effective leadership and management
- ·core competencies
- processes and strategies
- common characteristics
- the what, how and why managers
- setting the criteria for the objectives and goals for your group
Every manager wants to be a High Performance Management Superstar but… how do we become one? There are certain core competencies that an effective manager will demonstrate, these are not hard skills to develop and put into practice. Some of the key things to think about in management are; making decisions with the end in mind, creating actions plans, knowing where you are going.
PODCAST 3 – Prioritising
In this live podcast, Total Success’s Senior Trainer, Warren Wint demonstrates the in importance in prioritising.
Topics covered include:
- Managing priorities to reflect objectives
- effective prioritising
- the importance of communication
- the quality/quantity conundrum
- setting required quality outcomes
Managers who prioritise understand what quality the output is suppose to be, understand the resources needed and manage the time to produce them. Their thinking goes like this: “Here’s what I am going to do today. This task is a top priority not because it is the project I want most to clear from my desk, or because someone is pressing me to do it, but because it will draw the straightest line between my work and the company’s goals.”