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Assertiveness Skills Training Pack

This course will equip any trainer with the skills and techniques to run a successful one-day Assertiveness training course. It will allow delegates to develop confidence and self-esteem so that their opinions will no longer go un-noticed in the workplace. Assertiveness training will provide delegates with effective tactics to build courage and defy work bullies. Those who have attended the courses have expressed that becoming more assertive at work was made easier once they applied the techniques gained from the seminar.

Course objectives

Assertion means standing up for what you want. Stating your needs clearly. It means expressing opposition. It means confrontation and it takes courage. Some find it harder than others because of their natural easy-going style and therefore more practice is required. However, the aim should not be just to gain a win. The aim should be to solve the problem and get the best result. Assertion should not be synonymous with aggression because aggressive people adopt an ‘I win – you lose’ mentality to achieve their objectives.

Assertiveness does not come naturally to all because we have all learned passive behaviours to stave off confrontational situations. However these behaviours can be unlearned and assertive behaviour used to produce results that benefit both parties. Assertiveness training courses and workshops can help delegates increase work effectiveness and productivity, achieve greater control of their daily activities and overcome work stressors.

This one-day Assertiveness Skills courses will provide your with the necessary information to equip your delegates with valuable assertiveness information including:

Overview and agenda

The course will enable delegates to understand the processes which will make them more effective and increase their confidence and sense of achievement. Anyone who needs to master the principles and practices of effective, assertive communication will benefit from increased productivity and confidence, will reduce interruptions at work, manage time more effectively and enjoy greater self-esteem.

  • Session 1: Introduction, aims and agenda
  • Session 2: Recognising assertive, aggressive and passive behaviours
  • Session 3: Becoming Assertive
  • – Assertive Techniques
  • – Sounding Assertive
  • – Looking Assertive
  • Session 4: Planning for Conflict
  • – Strategies for managing difficult situations
  • Session 5: Assertive Strategies
  • – Managing our internal dialogue
  • Session 6: Personality Profiles
  • – Questionnaire – measure you personality profile
  • – Handling difficult personality types
  • – Recovery strategies for managing aggressive personalities
  • Session 7: Dealing with very Difficult People
  • Session 8: Final Role-play – Putting it all together

Our training packs

The packs are available in 3 levels, depending on your training experience. Contained within the pack is the actual content used by us in our training courses, benefiting from over 20 years within the training industry. They also include trainer’s notes, activities, a fully printable course manual and comprehensive instructions how to run the most effective course.

For further information on the pack to suit you and your organisation’s requirements, please contact us.

Here are some samples pages from the actual training manual plus some of the trainer’s notes

Download (PDF, 206KB)

Download sample Assertiveness Skills pages

Related information

Additional information


GOLD for the novice trainer, SILVER for the intermediate trainer, BRONZE for the experienced trainer