Powerful PowerPoint presentation tips and techniques

Our presentation courses are planned to significantly improve presentation skills to allow delegates of all levels to be able to make powerful presentations.  The presentation seminars that we provide are packed full of presentation tips and techniques that demonstrate strategies which will show delegates how to reduce nerves in presentations and to allow them to present confidently when presenting to clients or colleagues. Our presentation skills workshops are designed not just to show delegates how to make a simple presentation: they are designed to show delegates how to create a successful presentation also maximising the applications of PowerPoint to make great presentationsPresentation training will allow delegates to build on their presenting skills; make better presentations; enjoy making presentations and teach delegates how to present successfully.  Delegates who have taken our Presentation Courses have expressed how much they enjoyed the variety in our presentation skills training and now feel confident to present in any situation.

Powerful PowerPoint presentation tips and techniques

Maintain good eye contact

Scan the audience and establish constant eye contact. Only talk when you’re looking at someone; work the whole room; a good rule of thumb is no more than two seconds on each member of the audience. And remember, never talk to the screen and turn your back on the audience.

Taking a stand

If the setup allows, stand on the left side of the room, or the left side from the audience’s point of view, at a 45-degree angle to the room. This establishes a non-threatening stance and opens your body to the screen when you need to gesture or move.

Vary your speaking volume

When you practice in an empty room, adjust your voice level accordingly for a full room. Deliver the presentation just slightly above the conversational mode, louder than you think you should. As you increase volume, you automatically increase inflection.

Use pauses

Say a phrase and pause, then say a phrase and pause. Each pause gives you a chance to make eye contact, to breathe, or to take a moment to think. When you slow down, you gain control.

Don’t read your presentation

When you write your presentation, make sure it’s written for the ear – with shorter sentences, action verbs and simple grammar. Get comfortable with your material so you aren’t dependent on notes or reading a script. If you use notes, keep them short, highlight points you want to make, and use them as memory joggers, not script.

Connect with your audience

Successful presenters enjoy their topic and share their enjoyment with the audience. Establish a personal connection with your audience. Example, if you know a person s name, use it when you refer to that person. Be enthusiastic about your subject – you won’t get enthusiasm from people unless you give enthusiasm to them. You can’t get a smile unless you smile first.

Excellent presentation skills give you a platform to demonstrate your sales skills, leadership qualities, communication skills, influencing abilities and promotion potential. Our objective over the two days is to teach you the skills and techniques that will give you both the confidence and competence to enjoy making presentations in all situations. We will be giving action points to sharpen your image; reduce nerves; allow you to appear both confident and competent and increase your credibility in the eyes of colleagues and clients.

PowerPoint presentation skills, Advanced Presentation skills and Presentation skills are three of the courses trained by Total Success Training, a training consultancy specialising in communication training and management skills in London and throughout the UK. Other related courses include sales presentation skills, training the trainer, assertiveness skills, selling skills, negotiation skills and communication skills for managers. Click here if you need more information regarding presentation skills course information or contact Total Success who will be delighted to talk to you via e-mail.